पिन कोड सर्च

पांडिचेरी पिन कोड - Pin Code Of पांडिचेरी पिन कोड नंबर

पांडिचेरी के सभी 64पिन कोड की सूची

क्र सं डाक घर पिन कोड तालुक शहर वितरण प्रकार
1 Abishegapakkam B.O 605007 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
2 Ariyankuppam S.O 605007 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
3 Ariyur B.O 605102 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
4 Arumbarthapuram B.O 605110 Villianur Commune Panchayat पांडिचेरी Delivery
5 Bahoor S.O 607402 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
6 Bommayarpalayam B.O 605104 Pondichery पांडिचेरी Delivery
7 Calapet B.O 605014 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Non-Delivery
8 Coudapakkam B.O 605502 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
9 Courivinatham B.O 607402 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
10 Dhanvantry Nagar S.O 605006 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
11 Embalam B.O 605106 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
12 Karayamputhur B.O 605106 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
13 Karikalambakkam B.O 605007 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
14 Kariyamanikam B.O 605106 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
15 Katterikuppam B.O 605502 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
16 Kijour B.O 605106 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
17 Korkadu B.O 605110 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
18 Kottakuppam S.O 605104 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
19 Kuilapalayam B.O 605101 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Non-Delivery
20 Lawspet S.O 605008 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
21 Maducore B.O 605105 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
22 Madugadipet B.O 605107 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
23 Manamedu B.O 607402 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
24 Manapeth B.O 607402 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
25 Mangalam B.O 605110 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
26 Mannadipattu B.O 605501 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
27 Mottoupalayam B.O 605009 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Non-Delivery
28 Mouroungapakkam B.O 605004 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Non-Delivery
29 Moutrepaleam B.O 605009 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Non-Delivery
30 Mudaliarpet S.O 605004 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
31 Muthialpet S.O 605003 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
32 Nallavadu B.O 605007 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
33 Nellithoppe S.O 605005 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
34 Nettapakkam S.O 605106 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
35 Odiampet B.O 605110 Villianur Commune Panchayat पांडिचेरी Delivery
36 Ozhugarai B.O 605010 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Non-Delivery
37 Pandakkal B.O 673310 Ut Of Pondichery पांडिचेरी Delivery
38 Pillayarkuppam B.O 607403 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
39 Pondicherry H.O   H.O 605001 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
40 Pondicherry University S.O 605014 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
41 Pooranankuppam B.O 605007 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
42 Puranasingupalayam B.O 605107 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
43 Reddiyarpalayam S.O 605010 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
44 Saram(Py) S.O 605013 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
45 Sedarapet B.O 605111 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Non-Delivery
46 Seliamedu B.O 607402 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
47 Sellipet B.O 605501 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
48 Sorapattu B.O 605501 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
49 Sri Aurobindo Ashram S.O 605002 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
50 Sulthanpet B.O 605110 Villianur Commune Panchayat पांडिचेरी Delivery
51 Suthukeni B.O 605502 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
52 Thattanchavady S.O 605009 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
53 Thengaithittu B.O 605004 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Non-Delivery
54 Thimmanaickenpalayam B.O 605007 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
55 Thirubuvanai B.O 605107 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
56 Thiruvandarkoil B.O 605102 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
57 Thondamanatham B.O 605502 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
58 Tirukkanur S.O 605501 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
59 Vadhanur B.O 605501 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
60 Veerampattinam B.O 605007 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Non-Delivery
61 Venkata Nagar S.O 605011 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery
62 Villiyanur S.O 605110 Villianur Commune Panchayat पांडिचेरी Delivery
63 Vimacoundinpaleam B.O 605009 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Non-Delivery
64 Yanam S.O 533464 Pondicherry पांडिचेरी Delivery

क्या आप जानते है ?

पांडिचेरीमें कुल 64 डाक घर व पिन कोड है

There are total 3 districts in PONDICHERRY state in which Pondicherry is one of them, that is very famous and growing district of PONDICHERRY. Total 42 places list of Pondicherry district with Pin code, taluk, division, sub division, circle, region, and contacts are available on Address Adda. There are so many blocks in Pondicherry District like Abishegapakkam B.O, Ariyankuppam S.O, Ariyur B.O, Arumbarthapuram B.O, Bahoor S.O, Bommayarpalayam B.O, Calapet B.O, Coudapakkam B.O, Courivinatham B.O, Dhanvantry Nagar S.O, Embalam B.O, Karayamputhur B.O, Karikalambakkam B.O, Kariyamanikam B.O, Katterikuppam B.O, Kijour B.O, Korkadu B.O, Kottakuppam S.O, Kuilapalayam B.O, Lawspet S.O, Maducore B.O, Madugadipet B.O, Manamedu B.O, Manapeth B.O, Mangalam B.O, Mannadipattu B.O, Mottoupalayam B.O, Mouroungapakkam B.O, Moutrepaleam B.O, Mudaliarpet S.O etc. All pin codes of all blocks and taluks of Pondicherry is available here.

What is my Pincode?

Don't know your pincode ? Worry not. Pincode.App provides an easy yet effective pincode finder tool to tell the exact pincode of your location on a click of button.

Click "Locate My Pincode" button to know the exact pincode of your location.You can also use the Pincode finder tool to search the pincode by post office State,City,District,Taluk and by Name.

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What is PIN Code number ?

Indian Postal Services use Postal Index Number(PIN) also called as Pincode for numbering Post Offices. PIN Code is a 6 digit numerical code used to find delivery Post Offices in India. The PIN codes provided by Indian Postal Services are divided in 9 zones. The first digit represents the region,second digits represents the sub-region whereas the third digit represents the district of that particular region.

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